Friday, October 7th, 2016 there has been consultation between Aviolanda Aerospace Woensdrecht, Drone operators RPAS Services and Unmanned Aviation Solutions as well as political representatives of the provincial council and the member of parliament to determine together whether and what obstacles there are to come to a drone test, demo and training center (DTC).

DTC Aviolanda has sought connection with the nationwide network of drone test and demo centers, whose location Twente is launched last month.

The plan is to start the official process to obtain the official RPAS Operator Certificate for Test, Demo and Training Center on location Woensdrecht beginning of November.

The political representatives will use their influence, in order to catch up to foreign competition, so that we can go quicker through this process in establishing DTC Aviolanda.

Pending this official status, Airbase Woensdrecht gave their support to be able to test systems under strict safety conditions at the airbase. This will mean that we will organize a drone demo day in November and that several test and demo slots will be planned for RPAS operators and RPAS technology vendors until DTC Aviolanda is opened permanently.


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