If you need an RPAS pilot to carry out your mission in controlled airspace you are required to maintain two way radio contact with ATC and equip your RPA with a Mode S transponder.

Additionally to the certified pilot license, RPAS Services also has RT and LPE qualification available for you to conduct your mission in controlled airspace.

Furthermore RPAS Services can assist with the implementation of a Mode S transponder on your RPA.

RPAS Services can according to your Operations Manual provide an Observer/RT operator for your mission.

The following rates do apply:

Rental of the VHF Radio set as shown below:                 € 195,00 per half a day*
RPA-L RT Operator   Min. 1 hour €   90,00 per hour
  travel and waiting time €   50,00 per hour
  Kilometer costs €     0,45 per Km
*Price based on hiring RT Operator        
*Price when using own RT operator   on request    

Prices are exclusive VAT


You can also train your own pilots to RT operator. Then you need the following:

ATC communication set V12


For more information please contact RPAS Services.


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